Ascent parameter optimization and
parameter chart export. Evaluates the effect
of any parameter on the strategy separately. Starts with the first parameter
and applies the results of already optimized parameters and the defaults of
the rest. Seeks for 'plateaus' in the parameter space, while
ignoring single peaks. This is normally the best algorithm for a robust strategy,
except in special cases with highly irregular parameter spaces or with interdependent parameters. |
Brute force parameter optimization and parameter
spreadheet export (Zorro S required). Evaluates all
parameter combinations, exports them to a *par.csv
file in the Log folder, and selects the most profitable combination
that is not a single peak. Can take a long time when many parameters are
optimized or when parameter ranges have many steps. Useful when parameters affect each other in complex ways,
or when it is necessary to evaluate results from any parameter combination. Brute force optimization
tends to overfit the strategy, so out-of-sample
testing or walk-forward optimization is mandatory. |
Genetic parameter optimization (Zorro S required). A population of parameter combinations is evolved toward the best
solution in an iterative process. In each iteration, the best combinations
are stochastically selected, and their parameters are then pair-wise
recombined and randomly mutated to form a new generation. This algorithm is
useful when a large number of parameters - 5 or more per component - must be optimized, or
when parameters affect each other in complex ways. It will likely overfit the strategy, so out-of-sample or walk-forward testing
is mandatory. |
Use trade sizes by Lots, Margin,
etc. Large trades get then more weight in the
optimization process.
Set this flag in special cases when the trade volume matters, f.i. for
optimizing the money management or for portfolio systems that
calculate their capital distribution by script. Otherwise trade sizes are ignored in the training process
for giving all trades equal weights. |
Exclude phantom trades. Otherwise phantom trades are
treated as normal trades in the training process. |
Optimize toward the highest single peak in the
parameter space, rather than toward hills or plateaus. This can generate
unstable strategies and is for special purposes only. For instance when
optimizing not a parameter range, but a set of different algorithms or
different assets. |
Generate individual OptimalF
factor files for all WFO cycles, instead of a single file for the whole
simulation. This produces low-quality factors due to less trades, but
prevents backtest bias. |